Kloudless Blog

Kloudless Unified APIs enable you to code once and integrate many

Kloudless’ API has been available for just more than a month, and it’s clear — our developers are awesome! Dev Logs are the stories of developers who have created some sweet hacks using Kloudless and other technologies. Know of a hack or smart dev who should be featured in Dev Logs? Email an@kloudless.com for next steps!

Chris Wang is featured in today’s Dev Logs — check it out!

Tell us a bit about yourself — who are you and what kind of problems do you like solving?

I just finished up my second year at Georgia Tech studying Computer Engineering, and I’m off to intern at Qualcomm in San Diego. Most of my experience and interests lie in embedded software, but as of this past semester’s hackathon season, I’ve been learning a lot of Java and Android development. I credit the majority of my knowledge and intuition to massive open online classes (MOOC) held through edX, Coursera, and Udacity, and I am an avid MOOC supporter and contributor. I don’t understand why the majority of people with an internet connection aren’t taking advantage of these services, as they are free and are from the most prestigious universities and amazing people in the world… Anyway, I enjoy solving any type of problem that isn’t linear in nature and I enjoy hacking things that make my everyday life easier. My handle for most social media and Github is christopherjwang. Now that it is post-hackathon season, and I’m a lot more experienced, the majority of those Github hackathon projects will be getting a complete overhaul and maybe some cute, snarky comments.

What inspired your project at the Emory Hackathon?

PhotoSinc Christal Wang and Kush Patel

PhotoSinc at Emory Hackathon was inspired by one of the worst combinations—laziness and impatience. I’m tired of waiting for people to upload or share photos and videos on their favorite sites and I’m not even sure what types of pictures there are out there of me. It’s also a hassle to bug people to upload everything and most of the sharing methods aren’t necessarily private, as not everything should be on social media. Now that I think of it, I’m still waiting to get a video that was made about two years ago of me beating my roommate in a game of Starcraft 2 with my feet. Imagine all the other precious moments captured in digital media that I don’t have…I thought this was going to be a relatively simple project, but I was more wrong than my high school teacher yelling at me that “NOTHING IS SMALLER THAN A CENTIMETER!” With that misconception, I really wanted to give my current roommate (not the one I beat at Starcraft) and my sister a little introduction to hackathons and computer science. I like the idea of using hackathons to introduce newcomers to computer science and programming, as I was in the same boat about a year ago. Emory was also local, and didn’t require a bus ride more than ten hours—so I thought this project and the situation would fit perfectly together.

How / why did you decide to use the Kloudless API?

I used Kloudless because I’m a huge Kloudless fan and their support is nothing short of incredible. I had no idea what I was doing, and submitted a support ticket at 3am at Bitcamp (UMD’s Hackathon) the week before Emory Hackathon, and I got a response from Vinod, Kloudless’ co-founder, fifteen minutes later. At Emory, he shot me an email because my account showed up in a single error log. I want him running every warranty company on the planet. I tried using Kloudless’s ability to share uploaded files easily, and used their service in a super hacky way to replace an actual web server for (failed) facial recognition. (ed. note: Vinod is pretty awesome, though we’re happy that he’s running engineering at Kloudless instead of warranty companies.)

What would you like to see created using the Kloudless API?

I’d like to see Kloudless support for Flickr, and have someone make a “cloud storage system” that disguises your files as photos, and utilizes the 1tb of data Flickr gives you. This has probably been done by now, so maybe someone can use Kloudless to remotely backup all of your cloud storage solutions to Flickr, just in case something weird happens.

What do you plan to build next? Does it include Kloudless? Why or why not?

I’m taking a step back and finishing up all the loose ends I’ve made with hackathon projects. My teammate, Pavleen Thukral, and I are looking to polish up two projects in particular—FocusNotes, a google glass note-taking app, and Lockbox, a more secure cloud storage utilizing the cloud storage solutions commonly used (e.g. Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive). Both of these projects utilized Kloudless! I also need to take the time to fill up all the holes in my knowledge of computer science. I think I’m at a stage where I can “make things work”, but that is only acceptable to me to a certain extent. This ability is great in a hackathon setting, but I know it is not sustainable. Regardless, I am heavily involved in projects at the university and start- up scene. I’m the only undergraduate working on the back-end grading system for the physics massive open online course hosted at Georgia Tech and I’m an embedded software engineer and Android developer at Monsieur Co., a fledgling start-up making a robotic bartender.

Chris Wang and Pav Thukral 3rd place, VTHacks

Thanks for sharing your story, Chris! Come back next week to get Pav and Christal’s story, and sign up to get your own Kloudless developer account. Swap tips and ideas in the comments below or ping us at hello@kloudless.com!
